000001  # 2010 September 24
000002  #
000003  # The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
000004  # a legal notice, here is a blessing:
000005  #
000006  #    May you do good and not evil.
000007  #    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
000008  #    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
000009  #
000010  #***********************************************************************
000011  #
000012  # This file implements tests to verify that the "testable statements" in 
000013  # the lang_vacuum.html document are correct.
000014  #
000016  set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
000017  source $testdir/tester.tcl
000019  sqlite3_test_control_pending_byte 0x1000000
000021  proc create_db {{sql ""}} {
000022    catch { db close }
000023    forcedelete test.db
000024    sqlite3 db test.db
000026    db transaction {
000027      execsql { PRAGMA page_size = 1024; }
000028      execsql $sql
000029      execsql {
000030        CREATE TABLE t1(a PRIMARY KEY, b UNIQUE);
000031        INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, randomblob(400));
000032        INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+1,  randomblob(400) FROM t1;
000033        INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+2,  randomblob(400) FROM t1;
000034        INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+4,  randomblob(400) FROM t1;
000035        INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+8,  randomblob(400) FROM t1;
000036        INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+16, randomblob(400) FROM t1;
000037        INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+32, randomblob(400) FROM t1;
000038        INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a+64, randomblob(400) FROM t1;
000040        CREATE TABLE t2(a PRIMARY KEY, b UNIQUE);
000041        INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1;
000042      }
000043    }
000045    return [expr {[file size test.db] / 1024}]
000046  }
000048  # This proc returns the number of contiguous blocks of pages that make up
000049  # the table or index named by the only argument. For example, if the table
000050  # occupies database pages 3, 4, 8 and 9, then this command returns 2 (there
000051  # are 2 fragments - one consisting of pages 3 and 4, the other of fragments
000052  # 8 and 9).
000053  #
000054  proc fragment_count {name} {
000055    execsql { CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE temp.stat USING dbstat }
000056    set nFrag 1
000057    db eval {SELECT pageno FROM stat WHERE name = 't1' ORDER BY pageno} {
000058      if {[info exists prevpageno] && $prevpageno != $pageno-1} {
000059        incr nFrag
000060      }
000061      set prevpageno $pageno
000062    }
000063    execsql { DROP TABLE temp.stat }
000064    set nFrag
000065  }
000068  # -- syntax diagram vacuum-stmt
000069  #
000070  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-0.1 { VACUUM } {}
000072  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-51469-36013 Unless SQLite is running in
000073  # "auto_vacuum=FULL" mode, when a large amount of data is deleted from
000074  # the database file it leaves behind empty space, or "free" database
000075  # pages.
000076  #
000077  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-60541-63059 Running VACUUM to rebuild the database
000078  # reclaims this space and reduces the size of the database file.
000079  #
000080  foreach {tn avmode sz} {
000081    1 none        7 
000082    2 full        8 
000083    3 incremental 8
000084  } {
000085    set nPage [create_db "PRAGMA auto_vacuum = $avmode"]
000087    do_execsql_test e_vacuum-1.1.$tn.1 {
000088      DELETE FROM t1;
000089      DELETE FROM t2;
000090    } {}
000092    if {$avmode == "full"} {
000093      # This branch tests the "unless ... auto_vacuum=FULL" in the requirement
000094      # above. If auto_vacuum is set to FULL, then no empty space is left in
000095      # the database file.
000096      do_execsql_test e_vacuum-1.1.$tn.2 {PRAGMA freelist_count} 0
000097    } else {
000098      set freelist [expr {$nPage - $sz}]
000099      if {$avmode == "incremental"} { 
000100        # The page size is 1024 bytes. Therefore, assuming the database contains
000101        # somewhere between 207 and 411 pages (it does), there are 2 pointer-map
000102        # pages.
000103        incr freelist -2
000104      }
000105      do_execsql_test e_vacuum-1.1.$tn.3 {PRAGMA freelist_count} $freelist
000106      do_execsql_test e_vacuum-1.1.$tn.4 {VACUUM} {}
000107    }
000109    do_test e_vacuum-1.1.$tn.5 { expr {[file size test.db] / 1024} } $sz
000110  }
000112  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-50943-18433 Frequent inserts, updates, and deletes can
000113  # cause the database file to become fragmented - where data for a single
000114  # table or index is scattered around the database file.
000115  #
000116  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-05791-54928 Running VACUUM ensures that each table and
000117  # index is largely stored contiguously within the database file.
000118  #
000119  #   e_vacuum-1.2.1 - Perform many INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE ops on table t1.
000120  #   e_vacuum-1.2.2 - Verify that t1 and its indexes are now quite fragmented.
000121  #   e_vacuum-1.2.3 - Run VACUUM.
000122  #   e_vacuum-1.2.4 - Verify that t1 and its indexes are now much 
000123  #                    less fragmented.
000124  #
000125  ifcapable vtab&&compound {
000126    create_db 
000127    register_dbstat_vtab db
000128    do_execsql_test e_vacuum-1.2.1 {
000129      DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a%2;
000130      INSERT INTO t1 SELECT b, a FROM t2 WHERE a%2;
000131      UPDATE t1 SET b=randomblob(600) WHERE (a%2)==0;
000132    } {}
000134    do_test e_vacuum- { expr [fragment_count t1]>100 } 1
000135    do_test e_vacuum- { expr [fragment_count sqlite_autoindex_t1_1]>100 } 1
000136    do_test e_vacuum- { expr [fragment_count sqlite_autoindex_t1_2]>100 } 1
000138    do_execsql_test e_vacuum-1.2.3 { VACUUM } {}
000140    # In practice, the tables and indexes each end up stored as two fragments -
000141    # one containing the root page and another containing all other pages.
000142    #
000143    do_test e_vacuum- { fragment_count t1 }                    2
000144    do_test e_vacuum- { fragment_count sqlite_autoindex_t1_1 } 2
000145    do_test e_vacuum- { fragment_count sqlite_autoindex_t1_2 } 2
000146  }
000148  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-20474-44465 Normally, the database page_size and
000149  # whether or not the database supports auto_vacuum must be configured
000150  # before the database file is actually created.
000151  #
000152  do_test e_vacuum- {
000153    create_db "PRAGMA page_size = 1024 ; PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL"
000154    execsql { PRAGMA page_size ; PRAGMA auto_vacuum }
000155  } {1024 1}
000156  do_test e_vacuum- {
000157    execsql { PRAGMA page_size = 2048 }
000158    execsql { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = NONE }
000159    execsql { PRAGMA page_size ; PRAGMA auto_vacuum }
000160  } {1024 1}
000162  if {![nonzero_reserved_bytes]} {
000163    # EVIDENCE-OF: R-08570-19916 However, when not in write-ahead log mode,
000164    # the page_size and/or auto_vacuum properties of an existing database
000165    # may be changed by using the page_size and/or pragma auto_vacuum
000166    # pragmas and then immediately VACUUMing the database.
000167    #
000168    do_test e_vacuum- {
000169      execsql { PRAGMA journal_mode = delete }
000170      execsql { PRAGMA page_size = 2048 }
000171      execsql { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = NONE }
000172      execsql VACUUM
000173      execsql { PRAGMA page_size ; PRAGMA auto_vacuum }
000174    } {2048 0}
000176    # EVIDENCE-OF: R-48521-51450 When in write-ahead log mode, only the
000177    # auto_vacuum support property can be changed using VACUUM.
000178    #
000179    if {[wal_is_capable]} {
000180      do_test e_vacuum- {
000181        execsql { PRAGMA journal_mode = wal }
000182        execsql { PRAGMA page_size ; PRAGMA auto_vacuum }
000183      } {2048 0}
000184      do_test e_vacuum- {
000185        execsql { PRAGMA page_size = 1024 }
000186        execsql { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL }
000187        execsql VACUUM
000188        execsql { PRAGMA page_size ; PRAGMA auto_vacuum }
000189      } {2048 1}
000190    }
000191  }
000193  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-40347-36128 By default, VACUUM operates on the main
000194  # database.
000195  forcedelete test.db2
000196  create_db { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = NONE }
000197  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-2.1.1 {
000198    ATTACH 'test.db2' AS aux;
000199    PRAGMA aux.page_size = 1024;
000200    CREATE TABLE aux.t3 AS SELECT * FROM t1;
000201    DELETE FROM t3;
000202  } {}
000203  set original_size [file size test.db2]
000205  # Vacuuming the main database does not affect aux
000206  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-2.1.3 { VACUUM } {}
000207  do_test e_vacuum-2.1.6 { expr {[file size test.db2]==$::original_size} } 1
000209  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-36598-60500 Attached databases can be vacuumed by
000210  # appending the appropriate schema-name to the VACUUM statement.
000211  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-2.1.7 { VACUUM aux; } {}
000212  do_test e_vacuum-2.1.8 { expr {[file size test.db2]<$::original_size} } 1
000214  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-17495-17419 The VACUUM command may change the ROWIDs of
000215  # entries in any tables that do not have an explicit INTEGER PRIMARY
000216  # KEY.
000217  #
000218  #   Tests e_vacuum-3.1.1 - 3.1.2 demonstrate that rowids can change when
000219  #   a database is VACUUMed. Tests e_vacuum-3.1.3 - 3.1.4 show that adding
000220  #   an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column to a table stops this from happening.
000221  #
000222  #   Update 2019-01-07:  Rowids are now preserved by VACUUM.
000223  #
000224  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-3.1.1 {
000225    CREATE TABLE t4(x);
000226    INSERT INTO t4(x) VALUES('x');
000227    INSERT INTO t4(x) VALUES('y');
000228    INSERT INTO t4(x) VALUES('z');
000229    DELETE FROM t4 WHERE x = 'y';
000230    SELECT rowid, x FROM t4;
000231  } {1 x 3 z}
000232  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-3.1.2 {
000233    VACUUM;
000234    SELECT rowid, x FROM t4;
000235  } {1 x 2 z}
000237  # Rowids are preserved if an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY is used
000238  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-3.1.3 {
000240    INSERT INTO t5(x) VALUES('x');
000241    INSERT INTO t5(x) VALUES('y');
000242    INSERT INTO t5(x) VALUES('z');
000243    DELETE FROM t5 WHERE x = 'y';
000244    SELECT rowid, x FROM t5;
000245  } {1 x 3 z}
000246  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-3.1.4 {
000247    VACUUM;
000248    SELECT rowid, x FROM t5;
000249  } {1 x 3 z}
000251  # Rowid is preserved for VACUUM INTO
000252  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-3.1.5 {
000253    DROP TABLE t5;
000254    CREATE TABLE t5(x);
000255    INSERT INTO t5(x) VALUES('x');
000256    INSERT INTO t5(x) VALUES('y');
000257    INSERT INTO t5(x) VALUES('z');
000258    DELETE FROM t5 WHERE x = 'y';
000259    SELECT rowid, x FROM t5;
000260  } {1 x 3 z}
000261  forcedelete test2.db
000262  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-3.1.6 {
000263    VACUUM INTO 'test2.db';
000264    ATTACH 'test2.db' AS aux1;
000265    SELECT rowid, x FROM aux1.t5;
000266    DETACH aux1;
000267  } {1 x 3 z}
000269  # Rowids are not renumbered if the table being vacuumed
000270  # has indexes.
000271  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-3.1.7 {
000272    DROP TABLE t5;
000273    CREATE TABLE t5(x,y,z);
000274    INSERT INTO t5(x) VALUES('x');
000275    INSERT INTO t5(x) VALUES('y');
000276    INSERT INTO t5(x) VALUES('z');
000277    UPDATE t5 SET y=x, z=random();
000278    DELETE FROM t5 WHERE x = 'y';
000279    CREATE INDEX t5x ON t5(x);
000280    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX t5y ON t5(y);
000281    CREATE INDEX t5zxy ON t5(z,x,y);
000282    SELECT rowid, x FROM t5;
000283  } {1 x 3 z}
000284  do_execsql_test e_vacuum-3.1.8 {
000285    VACUUM;
000286    SELECT rowid, x FROM t5;
000287  } {1 x 3 z}
000289  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-12218-18073 A VACUUM will fail if there is an open
000290  # transaction on the database connection that is attempting to run the
000291  # VACUUM.
000292  #
000293  do_execsql_test  e_vacuum- { BEGIN } {}
000294  do_catchsql_test e_vacuum- { 
000295    VACUUM 
000296  } {1 {cannot VACUUM from within a transaction}}
000297  do_execsql_test  e_vacuum- { COMMIT } {}
000298  do_execsql_test  e_vacuum- { VACUUM } {}
000299  do_execsql_test  e_vacuum- { SAVEPOINT x } {}
000300  do_catchsql_test e_vacuum- { 
000301    VACUUM 
000302  } {1 {cannot VACUUM from within a transaction}}
000303  do_execsql_test  e_vacuum- { COMMIT } {}
000304  do_execsql_test  e_vacuum- { VACUUM } {}
000306  create_db
000307  do_test e_vacuum- {
000308    set res ""
000309    db eval { SELECT a FROM t1 } {
000310      if {$a == 10} { set res [catchsql VACUUM] }
000311    }
000312    set res
000313  } {1 {cannot VACUUM - SQL statements in progress}}
000316  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-55138-13241 An alternative to using the VACUUM command
000317  # to reclaim space after data has been deleted is auto-vacuum mode,
000318  # enabled using the auto_vacuum pragma.
000319  #
000320  do_test e_vacuum-3.3.1 {
000321    create_db { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL }
000322    execsql { PRAGMA auto_vacuum }
000323  } {1}
000325  # EVIDENCE-OF: R-64844-34873 When auto_vacuum is enabled for a database
000326  # free pages may be reclaimed after deleting data, causing the file to
000327  # shrink, without rebuilding the entire database using VACUUM.
000328  #
000329  do_test e_vacuum- {
000330    create_db { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL }
000331    execsql {
000332      DELETE FROM t1;
000333      DELETE FROM t2;
000334    }
000335    expr {[file size test.db] / 1024}
000336  } {8}
000337  do_test e_vacuum- {
000338    create_db { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = INCREMENTAL }
000339    execsql {
000340      DELETE FROM t1;
000341      DELETE FROM t2;
000342      PRAGMA incremental_vacuum;
000343    }
000344    expr {[file size test.db] / 1024}
000345  } {8}
000347  finish_test