R-01448-06859-29804-04457-45951-59563-33373-60665 tcl slt th3 src
When xSavepoint(X,N) is invoked, that is a signal to the virtual table X that it should save its current state as savepoint N.
/* IMP: R-01448-06859 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-01448-06859 When xSavepoint(X,N) is invoked, that is a # signal to the virtual table X that it should save its current state as # savepoint N.
R-42049-24001-08911-07479-20981-30990-05153-14571 tcl slt th3 src
A subsequent call to xRollbackTo(X,R) means that the state of the virtual table should return to what it was when xSavepoint(X,R) was last called.
/* IMP: R-42049-24001 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-42049-24001 A subsequent call to xRollbackTo(X,R) means # that the state of the virtual table should return to what it was when # xSavepoint(X,R) was last called.
R-42243-62806-04242-02019-64725-25394-01618-23361 tcl slt th3 src
The call to xRollbackTo(X,R) will invalidate all savepoints with N>R; none of the invalided savepoints will be rolled back or released without first being reinitialized by a call to xSavepoint().
/* IMP: R-42243-62806 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-42243-62806 The call to xRollbackTo(X,R) will # invalidate all savepoints with N>R; none of the invalided # savepoints will be rolled back or released without first being # reinitialized by a call to xSavepoint().
R-38513-43475-55678-22086-42456-40584-55564-45510 tcl slt th3 src
A call to xRelease(X,M) invalidates all savepoints where N>=M.
/* IMP: R-38513-43475 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-38513-43475 A call to xRelease(X,M) invalidates all # savepoints where N>=M.
R-49759-12456-29059-02912-58446-28690-22652-14283 tcl slt th3 src
None of the xSavepoint(), xRelease(), or xRollbackTo() methods will ever be called except in between calls to xBegin() and either xCommit() or xRollback().
/* IMP: R-49759-12456 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-49759-12456 None of the xSavepoint(), xRelease(), or # xRollbackTo() methods will ever be called except in between calls to # xBegin() and either xCommit() or xRollback().