R-49065-33371-62807-45806-18659-22955-12642-05474 tcl slt th3 src
you cannot create indices or triggers on a virtual table.
/* IMP: R-49065-33371 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-49065-33371 you cannot create indices or triggers on a # virtual table.
R-29387-20242-08784-06903-03129-29684-27650-40318 tcl slt th3 src
Some virtual table implementations might impose additional restrictions.
/* IMP: R-29387-20242 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-29387-20242 Some virtual table implementations might # impose additional restrictions.
R-06962-29571-53557-56869-59611-31379-35849-49272 tcl slt th3 src
The module-name must be registered with the SQLite database connection using sqlite3_create_module() or sqlite3_create_module_v2() prior to issuing the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement.
/* IMP: R-06962-29571 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-06962-29571 The module-name must be registered with the # SQLite database connection using sqlite3_create_module() or # sqlite3_create_module_v2() prior to issuing the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE # statement.
R-56921-36726-52234-49163-41445-49849-43983-14131 tcl slt th3 src
The module takes zero or more comma-separated arguments.
/* IMP: R-56921-36726 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-56921-36726 The module takes zero or more # comma-separated arguments.
R-36608-10930-24220-22579-46351-14737-62834-54918 tcl slt th3 src
The arguments can be just about any text as long as it has balanced parentheses.
/* IMP: R-36608-10930 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-36608-10930 The arguments can be just about any text as # long as it has balanced parentheses.
R-48924-26514-16091-23967-07299-63684-26291-30704 tcl slt th3 src
SQLite passes the module arguments directly to the xCreate and xConnect methods of the module implementation without any interpretation.
/* IMP: R-48924-26514 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-48924-26514 SQLite passes the module arguments directly # to the xCreate and xConnect methods of the module implementation # without any interpretation.
R-63167-05205-45599-43338-46949-25227-48175-10749 tcl slt th3 src
A virtual table is destroyed using the ordinary DROP TABLE statement.
/* IMP: R-63167-05205 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-63167-05205 A virtual table is destroyed using the # ordinary DROP TABLE statement.