R-23980-43280-61587-10591-51567-45451-02507-40247 tcl slt th3 src
This interface causes the xEntryPoint() function to be invoked for each new database connection that is created.
/* IMP: R-23980-43280 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-23980-43280 This interface causes the xEntryPoint() # function to be invoked for each new database connection that is # created.
R-59963-05629-44099-52431-63560-45782-35835-08059 tcl slt th3 src
Even though the function prototype shows that xEntryPoint() takes no arguments and returns void, SQLite invokes xEntryPoint() with three arguments and expects an integer result as if the signature of the entry point where as follows:
int xEntryPoint( sqlite3 *db, const char **pzErrMsg, const struct sqlite3_api_routines *pThunk );
/* IMP: R-59963-05629 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-59963-05629 Even though the function prototype shows # that xEntryPoint() takes no arguments and returns void, SQLite invokes # xEntryPoint() with three arguments and expects an integer result as if # the signature of the entry point where as follows: int # xEntryPoint( sqlite3 *db, const char **pzErrMsg, # const struct sqlite3_api_routines *pThunk );
R-40045-04159-18257-36948-62852-01097-02415-08499 tcl slt th3 src
SQLite ensures that *pzErrMsg is NULL before calling the xEntryPoint().
th3/req1/autoext01.test:56 th3/req1/autoext01.test:77 th3/req1/autoext01.test:90
/* IMP: R-40045-04159 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-40045-04159 SQLite ensures that *pzErrMsg is NULL # before calling the xEntryPoint().
R-61815-26679-56101-35658-51912-28874-35291-46177 tcl slt th3 src
SQLite will invoke sqlite3_free() on *pzErrMsg after xEntryPoint() returns.
/* IMP: R-61815-26679 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-61815-26679 SQLite will invoke sqlite3_free() on # *pzErrMsg after xEntryPoint() returns.
R-45318-21719-47167-32773-02041-53098-12990-64085 tcl slt th3 src
If any xEntryPoint() returns an error, the sqlite3_open(), sqlite3_open16(), or sqlite3_open_v2() call that provoked the xEntryPoint() will fail.
/* IMP: R-45318-21719 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-45318-21719 If any xEntryPoint() returns an error, the # sqlite3_open(), sqlite3_open16(), or sqlite3_open_v2() call that # provoked the xEntryPoint() will fail.
R-29907-62378-42519-29973-48919-58819-22759-58497 tcl slt th3 src
Calling sqlite3_auto_extension(X) with an entry point X that is already on the list of automatic extensions is a harmless no-op.
/* IMP: R-29907-62378 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-29907-62378 Calling sqlite3_auto_extension(X) with an # entry point X that is already on the list of automatic extensions is a # harmless no-op.
R-47326-42054-43655-41302-10309-18227-37352-51087 tcl slt th3 src
No entry point will be called more than once for each database connection that is opened.
/* IMP: R-47326-42054 */
# EVIDENCE-OF: R-47326-42054 No entry point will be called more than # once for each database connection that is opened.